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Skin Tags and Warts

Effective Skin Tags removal

An introduction to Skin Tags and Warts

Thermavein and Hyfrecator treatment – the gold standard treatments for Skin Tags and Warts

What are Skin Tags?

They are generally small, soft and skin coloured, in some cases they can be a darker skin tone. They are harmless, quite common but can be unsightly and sometimes may in number. Seen in both men and women with main appearance in skin folds such as the neck, armpits and groin area. They can also grow on eyelids or under the fold of the buttocks. The cause of skin tags is unknown. However the contributing factors are chaffing and irritation from the skin rubbing together; high growth factors; during pregnancy; insulin resistance and human papillary viruses.


Warts hands before after
Warts - Before & After


Skin Tags treatment with Thermavein and Hyfrecator

In the Henley Clinic, Thermavein is our primary treatment for skin tags.

The Thermavein as with thread and spider veins, we use a nickel probe and this cuts off the blood supply to skin tag, the skin tag will fade and fall off over the next 7-14 days. A further check-up appointment with the practitioner will be required after approximately 2 weeks. Treatment is relatively painless and the sensation is similar to hair being plucked. Some Skin Tags can sometimes be a little more difficult to remove completely, so these may need to softly cauterised with a medical Hyfrecator, again this is relatively painless.

With Thermavein there is no risk of skin damage and/or discolouration and any removed skin tags will NOT return.

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